Action Tax Services LLC


Take Your Business to the Next Level

Grow Your BusinessIf you are just getting started on a new business, there are a plethora of resources on the internet to assist you in getting it started, including this great one .
Here at Action Tax Service, LLC, we also provide an initial consultation for getting your business started. It includes all of the things listed in the link above, plus a powerful list of over 280 ways to advertise and grow your business.
Feel free to take advantage of this informative meeting, as our staff would be happy to assist you in getting started on the right foot!




If you’ve been in business for awhile, you may be experiencing one of these situations today:

1) Barely swimming above broke
2) Working insane hours and needing to expand
3) Paying way too much in taxes
4) Stuck owing IRS, Department of Revenue, Labor and Industries and/or Employment Security
5) Burning the midnight oil to keep track of your business finances
6) Getting “nasty grams” from taxing authorities
7) Unable to control heavy employee turnover
8) Knowing you can expand, but don’t know how
These kinds of problems can be very common in business, so you’re not alone. The good news is that there is help, real solutions to these problems!
Here are just a few solutions to such problems:
1) Outsource the daily grind of accounting and tax work to a professional;
You get to free up your time to focus on what you do best, which is running your business, growing your business, working on and not just in, your business.
2) Restructure your business;
Most are not aware that the IRS has provisions that can save you many thousands of dollars in self-employment tax. If you are paying more than $1000 in Self Employment taxes on your business, you should know that there are things you can do to change this. Contact Action Tax Service at (253) 288-8829 and schedule to meet with us to find out more.
3) Systematize your business;
Our firm shares a powerful relationship with Actioncoach, a highly successful business coaching firm. This means that we get to share their resources and help you succeed in every area of your business, i.e. marketing, systematizing, human resources, financial management, etc. When you schedule to meet with us, ask us about the resources we have to share.
4) Work out manageable payment plans with taxing authorities;
If you are getting buried in debt with the IRS, or any of the state taxing authorities, there are simple solutions to help you get out of this debt. First, stop making the mistakes that got you there, like late payments, unfiled returns, and insufficient funds to pay. Second, let us help you make the necessary arrangements to pay them off gradually. You may be able to abate penalties along the way, and ultimately get focused on the other end of the business, which is growth, profitability and entrepreneurship.

Action Tax Service, LLC is here to help you succeed. Call us at (253) 288-8829 and schedule a consultation regarding any of these issues today.