Action Tax Services LLC


Avoid an Audit.

Team Up with Action Tax and Implement the
Action Tax 10 Step Process to become Audit Proof!

14 Ways to Avoid an Audit from the IRS

  • Have a professional do your tax return
  • Not being Self-Employed, even if you are….
  • Don’t guess. Record actual numbers which are reasonable
  • Don’t amend return without a great reason
  • Pay any bill you get from the IRS timely, stay out of their radar
  • Account for everything the first time
  • Don’t claim flaky deductions
  • Keep Excellent Records
  • Report all income
  • Make sure income matches what is reported to State
  • Make sure payroll and payroll taxes match between IRS and State Agencies
  • Avoid too high, or out of the ordinary, deductions
  • Don’t claim zero or negative income
  • Too many round numbers on a tax return